From Carol White, Associate Director of Operations –
As of noon on June 20 with ten days left in the fiscal year, there are 37 FY2019 grants with final closeout reports that still need action by the grantee. There are 93 payments from the Tennessee Arts Commission in process with the state central accounting office. Thank you to the more than 1000 grantees that closed out on time. If your grant is not yet closed out, now is the time to complete it. A special shout-out to the Arts Build Communities (ABC) Designated Agencies who are closing out the ABC subgrants.
For FY2020, 64 annual grant contracts have not been executed before the July 1, 2019 start date. Congratulations to the 300+ annual grantees who returned revised budgets on time and have signed contracts already. Again, if your contract is not yet signed, act now. Additionally, there are 13 revised budgets being reviewed by TN Arts staff so your contracts will come soon.
If you want to view the status of your FY19 application or FY20 grant, check your grant record in the online grants system.
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