From National Assembly of State Arts Agencies –
Registration is now open! Please join NASAA and colleagues across the country for a deep dive into how lifelong learning in the arts can benefit older Americans.
NASAA’s second annual Creative Aging Institute takes place online via Zoom video conference from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, November 8, Wednesday, November 9, Tuesday, November 15, and Wednesday, November 16.
Please register on the Creative Aging Institute web page. You will receive a link to join all sessions via the e-mail address you provide in the registration form. Stay tuned for a full agenda including session details and speaker bios coming soon.
All state and jurisdictional arts agency and regional arts organization staff and council members are invited to participate, as are state and national arts and culture organizations with an interest in creative aging. NASAA is waiving registration fees for this event, to make information on current trends and best practices in creative aging widely accessible to all.
For more information, contact NASAA Arts Learning Projects Director Susan Oetgen.
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